The Unity Concert is about bringing people together for this important and historic experience and we need your help!
Located at the Elk Creek Lodge in Piedmont, South Dakota, we will be together in song and prayer for three amazing days.
Volunteer opportunities are available for passionate individuals, ages 13 and up. Areas include:
Set-up and cleanup of the site
Registration and information
Outdoor kitchen
Transportation support
Site support
Fire Tenders
Music Venue/Stage
And more!
Our 2017 event is rolling around quite quickly now (Sept 8-10) and the organizing committee is busy planning a wonderful time for everyone. Our prayer in motion couldn’t happen without you though, and we are counting on many volunteers from around the nation (and the world) to be with us in service. I’m sure many of you have stories about how this event has changed your life already and 2017 will be no different in that respect. We don’t want you to miss it!
The fourth and final year of the concert at this location is a year of gratitude, celebration and community service. We seek to continue our tradition of creating spaces where native and non-native leaders can unite for the healing of our earth. As such, the concert is designed to achieve the following ambitions goals:
• Articulate the Black Hills Issue to the Global Community Strongly and Clearly
• Facilitate the Transmission of Traditional Knowledge from Elders to the Next Generation
• Honor and Celebrate the Protectors of Water, Air and Land
• Honor Indigenous Leadership and Knowledge
• Uplift, Encourage and Be Present for the Youth
• Mobilize the Community to Address Immediate Issues
• Unite Key Indigenous Elders from around the World to Honor Sacred Sites
• Generate Global Advocacy for All Sacred Sites and Articulate their Role in Healing Mother Earth
The event dates are September 8-10 with free camping and this year we will have free food for all who join us. This is the traditional way and we are happy that it is coming together so beautifully with donated food from many sources for which we are grateful.
We have three volunteer groups this year (We thank you all!)
1. Concert days only – You are able to come on Thursday 7th (after 3:00pm), Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday the 10th or some part of those days. You are offered free tent camping for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights when you sign up as a volunteer. You are asked to complete a minimum of 9 hours of service AND attend a volunteer meeting each morning at 9:30. We have positions for every person over 18 (and some for youth with parental consent), no matter how abled.
2. Setup volunteers – You are able to help us setup on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th. You have free tent camping starting Tuesday night. You must be confirmed by phone or email from the Volunteer Coordinators as we are limited by our contract with Elk Creek as to how many people can camp on these nights. The types of things that are happening during setup typically require more physicality, like setting up tepees, sweat lodges, arranging chairs or cots, putting up signs, hammering, etc. We usually more people volunteering here than we can take, so signup quickly if you would like to do this and we will let you know.
3. Cleanup volunteers – You are able to help us cleanup on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th. Preference will be given to those who can also Setup. You will be allowed to tent camp free on Sunday and Monday. You must be confirmed by phone or email from the Volunteer Coordinators for this role as once again we are limited in our ability to offer free tent camping after the concert. Like setup, these roles usually have a somewhat demanding physical aspect to them.
So go to the Volunteer signup below and fill out the form. Or send an email to and provide your contact information, your arrival and departure dates and what you would like to help with. We will get back to you to discuss what you want to do and how that can fit with the needs that we have.
We are excited to see all you friends again this year and do something fantastic together.
